ST03 or ST03N does not display data

In transaction ST03 or ST03N, the system does not recalculate or display any weekly workload data.

Cause:This problem occurs as of February 22, 2010 (22.02.2010).

Particularly for the weekly workload data, the entries in the key field SRTFD in the table MONI are created so that the last four digits are reserved for the consecutive week number, starting with December 24, 1990 (24.12.1990).

correction: Implement SAP note:1443908

Understanding or Administration CRON JOB

Crontab – Quick Reference

Setting up cron jobs in Unix and Solaris

cron is a unix, solaris utility that allows tasks to be automatically run in the background at regular intervals by the cron daemon. These tasks are often termed as cron jobs in unix , solaris. Crontab (CRON TABle) is a file which contains the schedule of cron entries to be run and at specified times.

Crontab Commands
export EDITOR=vi ;to specify a editor to open crontab file.
crontab -e Edit your crontab file, or create one if it doesn’t already exist.
crontab -l Display your crontab file.
crontab -r Remove your crontab file.
crontab -v Display the last time you edited your crontab file. (This option is only available on a few systems.)

Crontab syntax :

A crontab file has five fields for specifying day , date and time followed by the command to be run at that interval.

*     *     *   *    *        command to be executed
-     -     -   -    -
|     |     |   |    |
|     |     |   |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
|     |     |   +------- month (1 - 12)
|     |     +--------- day of        month (1 - 31)
|     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)

* in the value field above means all legal values as in braces for that column.
The value column can have a * or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number in the ranges shown above or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen (meaning an inclusive range).

Important linux directories configuration files and block devices

Before we move on to learning commands used in Linux. Let us walk through the important Linux Directories, Configuration files and block devices in Linux.
It is important that we understand the file system in linux and also have a basic knowledge about where the programs reside in the machine, where to look for what and how to make it easy for ourselves when working on a Linux machine.

$HOME/.bash_profile - bash system wide and per user init files
$HOME/.bashrc - bash system wide and per user init files
/ - The root of the filesystem, all other files and directories use this as a starting point.
/bin/ - Binaries Directory--contains common executables for system operation, and cannot contain subdirectories in order to comply with HFS conventions. This is a STANDARD directory.
/boot/ - Directory containing pertinent boot information and executables, such as the kernel, and initrd, grub.conf. Must be within 1024 cylinders from the start of the physical disk.
/dev/ - Devices Directory. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/dev/fd0 - Block device that refers to the first floppy drive.
/dev/lp0 - Block device that refers to the first parallel port (ie LPT1 in DOS/Windows).
/etc/ - Configuration Files Directory. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/etc/auto.master - auto mount master file.
/etc/bash.bashrc - Shell variables. Executes right after /etc/profile and /etc/profile.local on login. Executes upon opening every new shell./etc/bash.bashrc contains: - $PS1 - User command prompt - ALIAS - Aliases - Link to /etc/bash.bashrc.local NOTE: Any changes should NOT be done in this file, but rather in the /etc/bash.bashrc.local file.
/etc/bash.bashrc.local - Overrides /etc/bash.bashrc Changes should ONLY be made in THIS file instead of in the /etc/bash.bashrc file.
/etc/bashrc - bash system wide and per user init files.
/etc/cron.* - There are 4 directories that automatically execute all scripts within the directory at intervals of hour, day, week or month
/etc/default - Default for certain commands.
/etc/exports - NFS server export list.
/etc/fstab - List of block devices and their associated mount points and mount options.
/etc/ftpusers - User names excluded from the default operational mode of the ftp server. Ie. If all users are denied then these are all of the users who are allowed, and if all users are allowed then these are those who are disallowed.
/etc/group - Group listing, passwords, and member lists.
/etc/host.allow - TCP wrapper host control files, allows these systems to connect.
/etc/host.conf - host name information look up order
/etc/host.deny - TCP wrapper host control file denies listed systems from connecting.
/etc/HOSTNAME - Full hostname including domain
/etc/hosts - A list of all known host names and IP addresses
/etc/hosts.equiv - Host list of computers that are trusted to use rsh (remote shell).
/etc/hosts.lpd - Host list of computers that are trusted to send lpr commands to this system.
/etc/httpd/conf/ - Directory for Apache Web Server configuration
/etc/init.d/ - Directory containing runlevel scripts for system startup
/etc/inittab - Control file that determines how the system boots
/etc/inittab - Control file that determines how the system boots.
/etc/lilo.conf - LInux Loader configuration that specifies boot options, kernels, and other boot parameters. NOTE: Lilo must be re-run after changes are made to lilo.conf
/etc/lpd.conf - Line Printer Daemon configuration file
/etc/lpd.perms - Line Printer Daemon permissions configuration file
/etc/motd - Message of the Day broadcast to all users on login
/etc/networks - File that contains network ranges and their associated names
/etc/nsswitch.conf - Configuration file that defines the order in which lookup of hostnames/dns names occurs
/etc/passwd - File that has information that defines user accounts on the server, their shell, UID, default group, home directory, and either a hash for their password or a marker indicating that it is in the shadow password file.
/etc/printcap.local - Printer database, changes should be made here as /etc/printcap is regenerated each time the daemon loads. This file is not used nor referenced with a CUPS solution.
/etc/profile - Sets up shell variables that are global for everyone. Loaded right after login. Executes once only at login.
/etc/profile.local - Changes to your global variables should be made here.
/etc/protocols - This file contains protocol IDs and their names. Useful for determining network traffic problems.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd - [option] should be replaced with start - Starts the print daemon, status - Displays the status of the print daemon, stop - Stops the print daemon
/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 - IP address, Network mask, Default gateway are in these files. May edit manually to modify network parameters.
/etc/rc.d/rc.local - Bash script that is executed at the end of login process - like autoexec.bat in DOS
/etc/resolv.conf - Defines IP addresses of DNS servers
/etc/rpc - RPC service name to their program numbers mapping.
/etc/services - TCP/IP services and ports mapping.
/etc/shadow - Read-only to Root access processes, used to avoid theft of user passwords.
/etc/shells - The /etc/shells file serves as the list of valid shells that may be loaded.
/etc/skel/ - Template folder that contains files - for new users.
/etc/smb.conf - Configuration for the SAMBA server to allow file and print sharing with Windows clients
/etc/sysconfig/ - A directory containing system configuration files.
/etc/sysconfig/network - The networking configuration file, specifies network interfaces, IP addresses, and other protocols.
/etc/X11/XF86Config - Configuration file for XFree86's X Server
/home/ - The mountpoint or directory where user's personal data is stored. This is an OPTIONAL directory.
/lib/ - Library Files Directory. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/mnt/ - Mount Point Directory. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/opt/ - Optional Directory. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/proc/ - Kernel Process Information Directory. This is an OPTIONAL Directory.
/proc/interrupts - Contains which interrupts are in use and which are available.
/proc/ioports - Contains which I/O addresses are in use and which are available.
/proc/pci - Lists which PCI devices are already installed and their I/O addresses and interrupts.
/root/ - Root User's Home Directory. This is an OPTIONAL Directory.
/sbin/ - System Binaries Directory. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/srv/ - This directory is used for services' runtimes and working files. This is an OPTIONAL Directory.
/tmp/ - Temporary Director. This is a STANDARD Directory.
/usr/ - This directory is used as a system resource. Many times, libraries, applications, and source code are installed in this folder. Kernel compiling usually takes place in the /usr/src/linux/ subdirectory. This is a STANDARD directory.
/var/ - Logfiles are generally stored in the /var directory or log subdirectory. Variable data from applications and some binaries are installed here. This is a STANDARD directory.
~/.Xdefaults - Defines some parameters for X-Windows (~ refers to user's Home Directory)
~/.xinitrc - Defines windows manager loaded by X-Windows (~ refers to user's Home Directory) X Window Keystrokes : - ctrl+alt+backspace - Stop X server (some systems use ctrl+alt+esc) - ctrl+alt+F1 - Switch to text mode console 1, ctrl+alt+F7 - Switch back to graphic mode

To Change Oracle database archive log mode

To Change Oracle database archive log mode

To check archive log mode of Oracle Database trigger the following command
in SQL Prompt.

SQL> select log_mode from v$database;

1) Turn Archive Log Mode ON:

Login to Database host
SQL> sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup mount
SQL> alter database archivelog;
SQL> alter database open;

2) Turning OFF Archive Log Mode:

SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup mount;
SQL> alter database noarchivelog;
SQL> alter database open;

History of Linux

It all began in 1991 when a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds started working on a personal project and required posix standard definition which led to the creation of a new operating system kernal. Since then the Linux Kernal has been constantly updated and improved to meet the never ending requirements of the world. Since the initial release of its source code in 1991, it has grown from a small number of C files under a license prohibiting commercial distribution to its state in 2009 of over 370 megabytes of source under the GNU General Public License.

The Unix operating system was implemented in the 1960s and first released in 1970. Its availability and portability caused it to be widely adopted, copied and modified by academic institutions and businesses. Its design became influential to authors of other systems.

The GNU project was started in 1983 by Richard Stallman with the goal of creating a free UNIX-like operating system. He wrote the GNU General Public License (GPL) as part of his work. There was almost enough available software by the early 1990s to create a full operating system but since the GNU kernel, called Hurd, failed to attract enough attention from developers, GNU was left incomplete.

Another free operating system project in the 1980s was the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). This was developed by UC Berkeley from the 6th edition of Unix from AT&T. Since BSD contained Unix code that AT&T owned, AT&T filed a lawsuit in the early 1990s against the University of California. This strongly limited the development and adoption of BSD.

MINIX, a Unix-like system intended for academic use, was released by Andrew S. Tanenbaum in 1987. While source code for the system was available, modification and redistribution were restricted. In addition, MINIX's 16-bit design was not well adapted to the 32-bit features of the increasingly cheap and popular Intel 386 architecture for personal computers.

These factors and the lack of a widely-adopted, free kernel provided the impetus for Torvalds's starting his project. He has stated that if either the GNU or 386BSD kernels were available at the time, he likely would not have written his own.

Error duing JAVA Import in Dual Stack SAP System Copy

While doing ABAP + JAVA System Copy Following Error occurred:
FJS-00003 TypeError: sourceProps.get ("") has no properties

Copy the SOURCE.PROPERTIES from the Central Instance export
to the Java export DVD or add the property to the
SOURCE.PROPERTIES file using the value created by the Central
Instance export.

Here I went to the location of JAVA Dump and opened SOURCE.PROPERTIES file

SAP Note 1238351 explains this issue in more detail.

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error while connecting to Oracle Database through SQL Prompt

Possible reasons why you are facing the error:

1) Oracle Service has not yet started

Start Run --> Services.msc --> search for oracleservice --> Right click and start if it is stopped

2) Check if ORACLE_SID environmental variable is set and value has correct Database SID.

Right click on My computer --> Properties --> Advanced --> Environmental Variables --> Search for ORACLE_SID in User Variables for current user

3) Check parameter SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES value is set to NTS in sqlnet.ora

4) Check if TNS_ADMIN environmental variable is set on Database host and pointing to right directory. This should be pointing to drive:\ORACLE_HOME\network\admin

5) Check if listener is up and running. This is again in windows services or you can type the following command in command prompt for status

lsnrctl status

If you find listener is not running then type the following command

lsnrctl start

startsap or stopsap fails with No Profiles Found on virtual host installation

startsap and stopsap is not working on virtual host installation or high availability installation.

Error: No Profiles Found

This issue usually arises when Virtual Host was used for installation. You have couple of options which you might explore.

Temporarily you can use startsap [Virtual Host] and stopsap [virtual Host] for starting and stopping SAP.

If you want to fix this permanently then follow one of the two methods below:

1) First Method:

a) Make a copy of startsap script.
SIDADM> cp startsap startsap_orig

b) Edit startsap and Search for string START_PROFILE=START_${1}_${HOSTNAME}

c) Replase ${HOSTNAME} with the Virtual Hostname Used for installation.

2) Second Method:

a) Find the string setTrace "##### getarg() start"

b) Replace VHOST="" with VHOST="Virtual Hostname"

Repeat the same for stopsap script.

SLD or SAP System Landscape Directory Basics

What is SLD?
SLD is the acronym of “System Landscape Directory» - Is a Java Application running
in all the Sap Java Systems - Is used like Central Information repository of all your
system Landscape - SLD use the Common Information Model (CIM), this is a
standard object oriented modeling DB.

Who use SLD?
SLD is used by:
- Process Integration.
PI/XI use SLD like the repository of all the Business Systems definitions, without this service PI/XI doesn’t run.
- Solution Manager
SM Read the Information from the SLD and refresh the technical definition on SMSY.
- Portal
Used by the JCO Destination.
Identify the role of the system and the Name reservation
- .SLM
Software Lifecycle Management is the tool provide by SAP to make the pacification of you Landscape.
In SLD you can create Groups used by NWA to administrate more efficiently the Landscape.
To know all the Systems in your Landscape.

SLD Strategy
The strategy for the SLD is very important, you need to decide in witch way you want administrate the SLD Information, there are several way and key
points(Important, Version, Etc) - You can check in the SLD paper to develop your strategy.
(My recommendation is read the Planing Guide for SLD).

Access to the SLD
To access to the SLD you can run the transaction SLDHTMLGUI or Goto

Create Landscape
The Landscape definition are used by different applications, Is the best way to
group your systems to Administrate better - You can create Landscape to:
- Administration
which is created for administration purposes, for example, for common
- General
which can contain all types of application systems.
- NWDI Systems
that contains servers of the NWDI
- Scenario
is created for a specific business scenario - Scenario landscapes are used in the Software
Lifecycle Manager of SAP Netweaver.
- Transport
is created for transport purposes - For example, all SAP Web AS systems that are connected by an
ABAP transport path distributing the ABAP development.
- Web Service
is created to collect systems offering Web services and their clients - The hierarchy of these
landscapes defines the Web service that is most appropriate for a given client.
click in “New Landscape”
Complete with the Name and Landscape Type and Create
You can add new Systems to this landscape clicking in “Add System to

Create Technical System
Is recommendable to create the System in Automatic way using RZ70 in Abap, SLD
Data Supplier in Java or sldreg in other instances types. If you want you to create manually you need to go to SLD main Screen and click in Technical System.

  • Click in New Technical System.
  • Complete with the System Name and Hostname
  • Select the Installed Product and the Software component and then click in Finish button.
  • Now you can see the System in defined in the technical Systems Screen.

Commonly Used Oracle Database Command

1) Unlocking User Account in Oracle

SQL> Alter user account unlock;

Note: in the above command needs to be substituted by the user account you want to unlock.

2)Adding Datafile to tablespace from Oracle.


= Tablespace name in CAPS
= Destination of datafile (Ex: /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/data_7/..)
Note: Data file added through oracle should be in correct sequence to previous one.

Also You can use BRTOOLS to do the same.

3) To Find all the datafiles of a tablespace / list of datafiles for tablespace:

SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='';

4) To get the number of active sessions in Oracle

SQL> select count(*) from v$session where status ='ACTIVE';
SQL> select count(*) from v$session;

5) Following command gives you the size of oracle database in GB

SQL> Select sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 from dba_data_files;

Error in SAPINST Service marked for deletion on Windows

Symptom: While doing refresh on Windows using SAPINST you get the following error:
"Service marked for deletion"

Solution: This happens as SAPINST tries to delete the existing SAP Service from services.msc and create a new one with same name. Please follow the procedure below to resolve this.

GOTO run and type regedit

1. Stop the service you want to remove

2. Find the registry entry:


4. Find the service name there and delete it.

Also you can run sc delete from cmd

Note: Please be careful while handling Microsoft registry as it can cause non-reverse-able damage to your system.

Then restart SAPINST and continue old installation

Unlocking SAP* in ABAP if no other user exists or locked

Reason: If all the administrative users are locked and if no other user has access then you have to unlock SAP* to be able to login to SAP.


First insert the following parameter in Instance Profile:
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar = 0

Restart SAP Only.

Then login to Oracle and execute the following commands:

SQL> Delete from .usr02 where bname = 'SAP*' and mandt = '***';
SQL> Commit;

Note: Please substitute mandt=*** with the client number and with actual schema.
Example: So the command would look like this if SAPSHEMA is SAPSR3 and Client you want to unlock SAP* is 400
SQL> Delete from sapsr3.usr02 where bname = 'SAP*' and mandt = '400';

Common Refresh Errors while doing ABAP and JAVA Backup/Restore Procedure

1) When running SAPINST for DB Installation you encounter following error:
FCO-00011 The step checkForLoadType with step key |NW_Java_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0|NW_CreateDB
|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_OraDBCheck|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|checkForLoadType was executed with status ERROR.

Edit the control.xml in the installation directory:
Search for "update ORACHECK_PAR" and delete the row "row.createDb = false;" underneath.

This error happens typically when using Homogenous Backup/Restore Procedure in SAPINST.

Then restart SAPINST with old options.

Also SAP Note 970518 might help you

Mass User Creation in SAP

Requirement: Need to create multiple users in SAP
Creating multiple users can be a hectic tasks specially when you have to create multiple users with same roles


Enter Transaction SU10 in SAP
Enter all the users in the table below
Press Create Button
Enter User Type --> Dialog
Depending on the requirement fill out the other details
Goto Roles tab and enter the roles required (Please note that same roles will be given to all the users)
Based on the requirement you can also assign profiles / groups
Then Press Save

Result: You have created mass users with same role.

Note: All the users are assigned random system generated password which can be viewed in log which is in the screen after you save.

How to configure Transport Domain Controller

To configure a system as the transport domain controller (and thereby configure a new transport domain):

  1. Log on in client 000 using super user or user with Transport Domain Adminitration authorization in the SAP System that you want to configure as the transport domain controller.
  2. Enter Transaction STMS. The dialog box TMS: Configure Transport Domain appears. (This dialog box only appears if you have not yet configured a transport domain.)
  3. If you have already configured TMS then goto Utilities --> Delete TMS Configuration
  4. Enter the name and a short description of the transport domain.
  5. The name of the transport domain may not contain blank characters. You cannot change the name of the transport domain afterwards without reconfiguring the domain controller and thereby the entire transport domain.
  6. If your SAP System consists of multiple application servers, you can choose one server for the TMS.
  7. Save your entries. The following actions are performed automatically in your SAP System:
  • The user TMSADM is created.
  • The RFC destinations required for the TMS are generated.
  • The TMS configuration is stored in the transport directory.
  • The transport profile for the transport control program tp is generated.
  • The SAP System is configured as a single system.

First system in Transport Domain is always the Transport Domain Controller. However you can still
change once you add any more systems. This should be decided based on the availibility and security
of the system.